
Graphic design

Why do I need graphic design?

Graphic design for online or offline businesses has plenty of applications and can be specifically adapted for every material used to promote a brand. Whether it’s Facebook Ads or Google Ads campaigns, Pinterest or TikTok formats, website banners, Instagram and Facebook Stories, Instagram posts, outdoor banners, posters, brochures, flyers or other printable assets, all of these must follow a coherent, unitary visual style, with images, shapes, colours and fonts under the same theme.

The brand identity manual, called a brand book, is where we start our design process. Our Design and Creative teams create all the needed puzzle pieces so your brand identity is contemporary, recognisable from afar, and we make sure that it transmits both verbally and visually the message you want to convey. Each graphic asset, depending on its final destination, has a pre-defined objective (for instance, lead generation or sales growth) and the Creative department ensures that this is packaged nicely and efficiently.

What if my business doesn’t have a brand identity?

A brand identity is a component without which a lot of the businesses risk getting lost in the crowds and fail to get noticed by customers. A brand ID is composed of a few unitary elements that define the company: logo, symbol, tagline and other assets – business cards, envelopes, a letterhead or stationery.

The identity is not only a key element for the company, but it’s also a visual representation of the business, without which any brand communication, online or offline, would be difficult. Naturally, the logo is the key symbol of the visual identity, but this isn’t the only element that matters. The strategy behind the identity and the graphic style of each brand, for instance, are way more valuable because they position the product on the market, but they also create a perception for the consumer.

Furthermore, the visual identity is naturally continued by the verbal identity. The way you communicate is directly influenced by your business niche, by your clients, by the markets in which you want to activate and your business objectives. For instance, if you are in the Fashion business and you target people between 5 and 18 years old, your brand will be promoted in a certain way, but if you are selling Real Estate to clients aged 45+, the communication will be adapted to them. The manner in which you communicate is called Tone of Voice, and our Creative team will establish the right TOV for your brand from the Strategy phase, when we start working on the creation or update of your brand identity.

Having a well-contoured brand ID is very useful in setting the brand apart from its competition and it can increase the sales of certain products or services. Everything mentioned above contributes to the credibility and the equity of your business in front of prospective customers and partners.

If you feel your brand gets lost amongst others or you’re simply not satisfied with the present design, we are here to offer our extensive expertise and to jumpstart the rebranding or the brand ID creation process.

Our mission is to rescue projects.
We are those who breathe life into your online projects

A whole team of specialists will make sure to revive your project and when it’s time for a refresh, we offer maintenance and support to raise its performance rate, security and all Magento functionalities.